Ataa Oko: drawings 2011
After a long pause because of his illness, Ataa Oko began again to produce small sketches (16 x 20 cm) in June 2011. But as he recovered fast, after two months he could already work on large paper sizes (41.5 x 59 cm). But unlike before his stroke, he was no longer working in the open in front of his house, but only inside in his rather dark room. Besides, from now on he made his drawings mainly during the night, when he thought he was going to see the spirits. Since Ataa Oko had lost the language after his stroke, he could no longer explain the stories of his drawings. But now his spiritual beings looked very different from those in the years before, they seemed to be happy, many had crowns on their head and are laughing. From now on, although the artist could still sketch, he had no longer the power to colour his large-format drawings himself. That is why his talented son Kofi, who had been assisting him since 2005, now took over this work.
Drawings 2011:
Colour pencil and oil pastels on paper
41,5 x 59 cm