New release: ATAA OKO ADDO (English)
Regula Tschumi (ed.): Ataa Oko Addo
With texts by Sarah Lombardi, Regula Tschumi, Lucienne Peiry and Atta Kwami.
ISBN 978-3-907262-05-4
Edition Clandestin
The artist Ataa Oko Addo (1919 – 2012) of La in Ghana is seen as a pioneer of the world-famous Ghanaian coffin art. In 2002, after he first met the Swiss ethnologist and photographer Regula Tschumi, the former coffin artist, now aged over 80, began to draw. Until his death, Ataa Oko produced a unique body of graphic work, that provides insight into Ghanaian culture and the spiritual world of the artist.
New release: ATAA OKO ADDO (French)
Regula Tschumi (ed.): Ataa Oko Addo
With texts by Sarah Lombardi, Regula Tschumi, Lucienne Peiry and Atta Kwami.
ISBN 978-3-907262-06-1
Edition Clandestin
L’artiste Ataa Oko Addo (1919 – 2012), originaire de La au Ghana, a été un pionnier de l’art du cercueil ghanéen, aujourd’hui mondialement connu. En 2002, aprèssa rencontre avec l’ethnologue suisse Regula Tschumi, l’ancien artiste du cercueil a commencé à dessiner à l’âge de plus de 80 ans. Jusqu’à sa mort, une œuvre graphique unique a été crée, donnant au spectateur occidental un aperçu de la culture ghanéenne et du monde spirituel de l’artiste.
Regula Tschumi (Ed.): Ataa Oko Addo
With texts by Sarah Lombardi, Regula Tschumi, Lucienne Peiry and Atta Kwami.
ISBN 978-3-907262-04-7
Edition Clandestin
Der Künstler Ataa Oko Addo aus La in Ghana war ein Pionier der heute weltberühmten ghanaischen Sargkunst. 2002, nach seiner Begegnung mit der Schweizer Ethnologin Regula Tschumi, begann der ehemalige Sargkünstler im Alter von über 80 Jahren zu zeichnen. So entstand bis zu seinem Tod ein einzigartiges grafisches Werk, das dem westlichen Betrachter einen Einblick in die Kultur Ghanas und in die spirituelle Welt des Künstlers vermittelt.
Ataa Oko: A glimpse inside the amazing world of Ghanaian funerals and how the carpenter Ataa Oko became an artist
Text & images R. Tschumi in the online Magazin Interwoven: the fabric of things —
Die Pracht des Abschiednehmens. Einsichten in die Bestattungsriten der Ga
Text & photographs R. Tschumi in: «Drunter & Drüber. Das Magazin für Endlichkeitskultur», Part III, p. 8-11.
Verborgene Kunst.
Geschichte, Transformation und Sinn der figürlichen Sänften und Särge in Ghana
Text & images R. Tschumi
ISBN 978-3-03828-098-9
Edition Till Schaap, Berne
Concealed Art. The figurative palanquins and coffins of Ghana
Text & photographs R. Tschumi
English translation M. Hartley and C. Kelly
ISBN: 978-3-03828-017-0
Till Schaap Edition, Berne
Regula Tschumi’s book is based on her PhD and on several years of field research in southern Ghana. For the first time in this publication the figural palanquins of the Ga are in focus. They are examined in the context of the sociey from which they have developed and in which they are still being used. This book includes some previously unpublished very surprising photographs of figurative palanquins.
Die figürlichen Sänften und Särge im Süden Ghanas. Geschichte, Transformation und Sinn einer künstlerischen Ausdrucksform von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart
PhD Dissertation 2013
University Basle
219 p. & pictures notes
The buried treasures of the Ga. Coffin art in Ghana
Text & photographs R. Tschumi
English translation M. Hartley
ISBN 978-3-03828-016-3
Edition Till Schaap, Berne
For about fifty years the Ga coffins have been produced in the form of fruits, animals and status symbols and have thus established a tradition, which is presented here for the first time in a well-founded text and in numerous expressive illustrations. R. Tschumi traces the history of these figurative coffins in the art and religion of the Ga in Ghana.
This is a completely revised and updated edition of the Benteli book 2008.
The Figurative Palanquins of the Ga. History and Significance
Text & photographs R. Tschumi in
«African Arts», 46, no. 4, November 2013, p. 60-73.
The figurative coffins of the Ga were for a long time celebrated as a revolutionary invention of an autonomous artist – the coffin-maker Kane Kwei from Teshi. However, R. Tschumi’s recent research results show that both science and the art world have been exposed to a great error due to lack of information. This text illuminates the origins of the figurative coffins from the figurative palanquins and summarizes the most important research results of the author.
Hors-champs. Genèse de l’affiche de l’exposition_en
Text & photographs R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalgue of the MEN: «Hors-champs. Eclats du patrimoine culturel immatériel», p. 216-227.
This text reflects the background, which led the curators of the Musée d’ethnographie Neuchâtel MEN to commission Regula Tschumi to develop the poster for the exhibition “Hors-champs” in collaboration with Ghanaian sign painters.
This catalogue is out of print.
Les trésors enterrés des Ga. L’art des cercueils au Ghana
Text & photographs R. Tschumi
French translation O. Demange & S. Zoubir-Shaw
ISBN 978-3-03828-017-0
Till Schaap Edition, Berne
The German text was again thoroughly reworked for this French translation and updated with new photographs.
The Deathbed of a Living Man. A coffin for the Centre Pompidou
Text & photographs R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Museum for Modern Art, Zollamt Frankfurt: «Saâdane Afif: Another Anthology of Black Humor», p. 57-72; p. 88-93.
german & english
Lit de mort pour un vivant. Un cercueil pour le Centre Pompidou
Text & photographs R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Centre Pompidou, Paris: «Saâdane Afif: Anthologie de l’humour noir», p. 37-51; p. 56-61.
french & english
Ataa Oko et le langage formel des Ga
Text & images R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne: «Ataa Oko», p. 15-32.
Ataa Oko et les Esprits
Video by Philippe Lespinasse, Regula Tschumi & Andress Alvarez
16 min., french & english
Lausanne/Le Tourne, Collection de l’Art Brut/Lokomotiv Films, 2010
Last respect, first honoured. Ghanaian burial rituals and figural coffins
Text & and images R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Art Museum Berne: «Six Feet Under. Autopsie unseres Umgangs mit Toten / Autopsy of Our Relation to the Dead», p.114-125.
german & english
The buried treasures of the Ga. Coffin art in Ghana
Text & photographs R. Tschumi
English translation M. Hartley
ISBN 978-3-7165-1520-4
Benteli, Berne
The German text of «The buried treasures of the Ga» (2006) was revised for this English translation and updated with new photos.
The edition 2008 is out of print.
Die vergrabenen Schätze der Ga. Sarg-Kunst aus Ghana
Text & photographs R. Tschumi
ISBN: 978-3-7165-1413-9
Benteli, Berne
This book is out of print.
A Report on Paa Joe and the Proverbial Coffins of Teshie and Nungua, Ghana
Text & photographs R. Tschumi in:
«Africa e Mediterraneo», no. 47-48, p. 44-47.
english & italian
With a keener eye. Kay Hassan in Johannesburg
Text R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Kunsthalle Berne: «Kay Hassan», p. 40-43.
english & german