Contact / Questions

Regula Tschumi PhD
Nesslerenweg 114
CH-3084 Wabern

Unless otherwise noted, the reproduction rights to the photos and archive images published on this website are held by Regula Tschumi.

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use of a photo is an image source attribution:
© Regula Tschumi

Regula Tschumi reserves the right
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Regula Tschumi reserves the right not to release an image or images depending on the intended use.

Please send a specimen copy of
your publication to Regula
Tschumi. Thank you!

    Contact / Questions

    Regula Tschumi PhD
    Nesslerenweg 114
    CH-3084 Wabern

    Unless otherwise noted, the reproduction rights to the photos and archive images published on this website are held by Regula Tschumi.

    Minimum requirement for the
    use of a photo is an image source attribution:
    © Regula Tschumi

    Regula Tschumi reserves the right
    to prosecute the unauthorized
    use of an image and, with the help
    of ProLitteris, to pay damages for copyright infringement to demand.

    The availability of an image can
    only be guaranteed upon

    Regula Tschumi reserves the right not to release an image or images depending on the intended use.

    Please send a specimen copy of
    your publication to Regula
    Tschumi. Thank you!

      Regula Tschumi

      Social Anthropologist PhD

      »My various activities revolve around the intersection of art and art education. The limits of science and art and theory and practice largely vanish in my work. I collaborate with artists and artisans to develop sculptures and paintings for museums and private customers, as well as personal art projects for myself. Through such collaboration, I have been able to create innovative art works, some of which have been shown in museum exhibitions and even kept in museum collections.«


      »Drawing and sculpture have also been important for me in the context of my ethnographic research in Africa, especially in Ghana where I still spend several months every year. Particularly the drawings of the carpenter and artist Ataa Oko have shown me a lot about the religious beliefs and the culture of the Ga people in Southern Ghana. In my role as an art and culture mediator, it is important that the art works I provide to exhibitions and art collectors are linked with Ghanaian or more general with African traditions, thereby giving western art viewers a glimpse of the rich African cultures.«

      Regula Tschumi is a freelance scholar, art mediator and photographer based in Berne, Switzerland. She worked until 2002 for the Swiss national airline Swissair. From 1996 to 2003, while still working at the airline, she studied social anthropology, art history and religious studies in Berne.

      2013 she received a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Basel with her research about the figurative palanquins and coffins in Ghana. In connection with her studies, she spent six months in Zanzibar (East Africa) and more than five years doing field work in Ghana (West Africa).
      Regula Tschumi has published a number of articles and photographs in exhibition catalogues and scholarly journals, as well as two books about the figurative coffins and palanquins of the Ga in Ghana.

      She participated in several art exhibitions and art projects as a co-curator, consultant and as a photographer, including ones at the Art Museum in Berne, at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, at the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne and at the Musée d’ethnographie in Neuchâtel.


      Photo Prizes and Awards

      Chromatic Awards 2024  2nd prize (category single /amateur /street)
      Pisa Street Photo Festival
      2024 (series category) 1st prize
      Brussels Street Photo Festival
      BSPF (single photo) Honorable Mention 3rd prize
      ND Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023 Bronze Medal (category daily life)
      Siena International Photo Awards (category Journeys & Adventures) 2nd Prize
      Julia Margaret Cameron Award
       2023 1st Prize  (category single non-prof. Street).
      Paris International Photo Awards 2022 Silver Medal (category classic street) 
      PISPA 2022 Silver Medal (category children & street)
      The Print Swap NY 1st Prize 2021
      Patti Fogarty award (Women street photographers) 1st Prize 2021
      Italian Street Photo Festival
      Rome: 1st Prize 2020
      Miami Street Photography Festival3rd Prize 2019

      Women Street Photographers
      at Sao Paolo Festival & Paranapiacap Photo Festival in Brazil 2025
      Livorno Photo Meeting 2024
      Siena International Photo Awards 2024
      Pisa Street Photography Festival 2024
      Foto Festival Lenzburg 2024
      Brussels Street Photography Festival 2024
      Italian Street Photo Festival 2024
      Women Street Photographers New York 2024
      Livorno Photo Meeting 2023
      Eyeshot Open Call 2023
      Italian Street Photography Festival 2023
      The FC Diary Open Call 2023
      Women Street Photographers New York 2023
      53 Women Street Photographers virtual exhibition 2023
      PISPA Honorable Mention cat. Street & Children 2022
      Eyeshot Open Call 2022
      Women Street Photographers Hyderabad 2022
      Photo Biennale Guayaquil Ecquador 2022
      Italian Street Photography Festival 2021
      World Water Day Contest 2021
      Women Street Photographers annual exhibition New York 2020
      Fujifilm Moment Street Awards Poland 2020
      Siena International Photography Awards SIPA 2020
      Women Street Photographers Trieste Photo Days 2020
      Women Street Photographers Kuala Lumpur 2020
      London Street Photography Festival 2020
      Italian Street Photography Festival Rome 2020
      Women Street Photographers annual exhibition New York 2019
      Miami Street Photography Festival Miami 2019
      Women Street Photographers 
      Brussels 2019

      Photographs in group exhibitions

      Sao Paolo Photo Festival
      Paranapiaacap Photo Festival

      Livorno Photo Meeting
      Livorno, Italy 15-17.11.24
      Les Rencontres de la Photographie de Marrakech
      Morocco 23.- 27.10.2024
      Magic Ghana
      Gallery Magnin-A in Paris, 13.9.- 26.10.2024
      Pisa Street Photography Festival
      21.9. – 22.9.2024
      Treviso Photographic Festival, Treviso, Italy
      5.9. – 24.9.2024
      Views from the Street
      Colorado Photographic Arts Center in Denver, USA 16.8. – 5.10.2024
      Cortona on the Move: Body of Evidence Cortona, Italy
      11.7.- 3.11.2024
      Foto Festival Lenzburg, Switzerland
      Brussels Street Photography Festival
      30.5.- 16.6.2024
      Italian Street Photo Festival Rome, Italy
      26.- 28.4.2024
      Belluno Photo Festival Belluno, Italy
      25.4.- 9.6.2024
      Women Street Photographers Art Space PS109, New York
      12.- 29.4.2024
      Xposure International Photography Festival, Sharjah, United Emirates,
      28.2.- 5.3.2024

      Street sans Frontières, Paris
      The Human Being, Eyeshot open call winners and finalists 2023
      3.11. – 28.1.2024 in Naples
      People Sharing all the World, SIPA Awards Siena, 1.10. – 19.11.2023
      Ballarat International Foto Biennale Australia, 26.8.- 22.10.2023
      Treviso Photographic Festival, 5.9. – 24.9.2023
      53 Women Street Photographers
      A Virtual Women Street Photographers Exhibition, 15.2. – 10.3.2023

      Photo Festival Hyderabad Women Street Photographers
      18.11. – 19.12.22
      Eyeshot Open Call 2022 winners & finalists
      at the Galleria del Cembalo in Rome 17.11. – 23.11.2022
      Worlds of Women WOW, Trieste Photo Days, 25.10. – 6.11.2022
      Treviso Photographic Festival  6.9. – 25.9.2022
      The spirits play football. An exhibition curated by Regula Tschumi at the  Museum der Völker, Schwaz in Austria 28.5. – 30.9.2022
      Street Sans Frontières, Paris 27.5. – 29.5.2022
      ClampArt Gallery, New York
      60 photographers selected by PrintSwap 2.3.2022

      6th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography Fotonostrum Gallery Barcelona, Spain 9.12. – 8.1.2021
      National Museum of Anthropology Villahermosa
      Tabasco, Mexico: Women Street Photographers 4.11. – 4.12.2021
      Venice Photo Lab, Venice  8. – 17.10.2021
      Treviso Photographic Festival   7.9. – 23-9.2021
      50 Women Street Photographers
      Online exhibition curated by Gulnara Samoilova 29.8. – 31.10.2021
      GHANA! A group exhibition curated by Regula Tschumi in the Casita in Berne 20.8. – 26.8.2021
      50 Women Street Photographers
      Online exhibition curated by Gulnara Samoilova 2.5. – 1.7.2021
      Double Trouble (part of the Head On Photo Festival 2020)
      Brisbane, Australia 9.3. – 28.3.2021
      Fujifilm Moment Street Photo Awards Centre of Culture Promotion Gaudemater, Czestochowa, Poland, 1.2. – 26.2.2021

      85 Women Street Photographers
      Art Space PS109, New York 10.12.2020 – 2.1.2021
      40 Women Street Photographers at the Indian Photo Festival, curated by Gulnara Samoilova in Hyderabad 12.11.- 13.12.2020
      Double Trouble (part of the Head On Photo Festival), Bondi Beach, Sidney 9.11. – 30.11.2020
      Siena International Photo Awards Siena 24.10. – 29.11.2020
      56 Women Street Photographers in the Accademia Scgalia, Trieste Photo Days 17.10. – 8.11.2020
      40 Women Street Photographers at the Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival
      Online exhibition by Gulnara Samoilova 19.8. – 19.9.2020
      Double Trouble (part of the Head On Photo Festival)
      Sydney 1.5. – 17.5.2020

      Women Street Photographers: Artspace PS109, New York City, 12.12.2019 – 2.1.2020
      Miami Street Photography Festival
      History Miami Museum, Miami 5.12. – 8.12.2019
      Women Street Photographers
      Muntpunt, Brussels, 4.10. – 12.10.2019
      With the line bus to the other side. Fantastic coffins from Ghana – Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel 10.8. – 27.10.2019
      ImageNation Arles, Gallery des Arènes Arles 15.7. – 20.7.2019
      Street sans Frontières, street photo exhibition in Paris

      Shapes of the Ancestors: Bodies, Animals, Art, and Ghanaian Fantasy Coffins – Mathers Museum of World Cultures, Bloomington USA
      Celebration! – Permanent exhibition of the MAS, Museum Aan de Stroom, Antwerpen
      Street sans Frontières, streetphoto exhibition in Paris, May 2018
      Unvergessen machen (make unforgotten)
      Museum der Völker, Schwaz in Austria

      Until 2022 L’impermanence des choses – Permanent exhibition of the Musée d’ethnographie, Neuchâtel
      Accra Portraits of a City –  ANO Gallery of Nana Oforiatta Ayim in Accra, Ghana
      Jambo Africa –  Tropical House, Wolhusen, Switzerland

      Until 2018 C’est la vie — Museum of Natural History, Berne

      Diesseits – Jenseits – Abseits. Funeral traditions worldwide — Museum of the University, Tübingen MUT

      Les Hors-Champs de L‘Affiche Musée d‘ethnographie, Neuchâtel — MEN exhibition archives

      Hors-Champs Musée d‘ethnographie, Neuchâtel — exhibition archives

      Griff Rhys Jones’ Ghanaian fantasy coffin — Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich
      People and Possession Gallery National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh
      Until 2015: Living and Dying Gallery British Museum, London

      Der letzte Schnaufer Luftmuseum Amberg, Amberg

      Six Feet Under — Deutsches Hygienemuseum, Dresden
      Six pieds sous terre — Photoforum Meyrin, Geneva 

      Six Feet Under — Art Museum, Berne


      Lectures and Presentations

      9.3.2023 U3a 2023 Neuchâtel
      8.2.2023 Domicil Egelmoos, Berne

      15.11.2022 Université du 3e âge / U3a La Chaux-de-Fonds
      11.11.2022 Université du 3e âge / U3a Neuchâtel
      9.11.2022 Université du 3e âge / U3a Bienne
      11.8.2022 Museum der Völker Schwaz, Austria
      23.1.2022 Collection de l’Art Brut Lausanne

      18.11.2021 UNAB (Université des Aînés de langue française Berne) University for Seniors in Berne
      24.8.2021 Provisorium 46 Berne
      31.1.2021 Musée d’ethnographie de Genève (cancelled because of Covid 19)

      2.11.2020 Museum of History Berne (cancelled because of Covid 19)
      24.10.2020 Art Museum, Berne (cancelled because of Covid 19)
      7.10.2020 Domicil Egelmoos, Berne
      28.5.2020 Kunsthalle Hamburg (cancelled because of Covid 19)

      28.11.2019 Museum Five Continents (Fünf Kontinente), Munich
      7.11.2019 UNAB (Université des Aînés de langue française Berne) University for Seniors in Berne
      8.3.2019 Domicil Egelmoos, Berne

      7.11.2018 Domicil Egelmoos, Berne
      2.11.2018 Cité Seniors in collaboration with the Musée d’ethnographie MEG, Geneva
      25.10.2018 IG Halle Kunst (Zeug) Haus, Rapperswil
      22.10.2018 Museum of the Peoples, Schwaz.
      28.4.2018 Domicil Egelmoos, Berne
      21.4.2018 Musée d’ethnographie MEN, Neuchâtel
      19.4.2018 Museum of the Peoples, Schwaz

      A selection of photo publications in Museum catalogs, artist monographs and photo books

      2024 Body of Evidence; exhibition catalog curated by Paolo Woods of the 14th Cortona on the Move festival.
      2023 Eyeshot Open Call Edition; Marco Savares (ed.), Magazin No. 11, Eyeshot publisher.
      2022 Eyeshot Open Call Edition; Marco Savares (ed.), Magazin No. 10, Eyeshot publisher.
      2022 Trauern; Brigitte Kölle (ed.), Hamburger Kunsthalle, Wagenbach: Berlin.
      2022 WOW: Worlds of Women. A collective tribute to women.
      2021 Tales of the Unwritten. A tribute to street photography. Exhibitaroundbookshop
      2021 Women Street Photographers; Gulnara Samoilova (ed.), Prestel: Munich/London/New York.
      2020 Eyeshot. The Mirror. Marco Savares (ed.), Issue 6,, Italy
      2018 Bastomania: M.S. Bastian & Isabelle L.; artist monograph, Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich.
      2018 L’impermanence des choses, Museum collection cat., Musée d’ethnographie Neuchâtel.
      2017 Arts of Global Africa; Museum collection cat., Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey.
      2013 Hors-Champs; exhibition cat., Musée d’ethnographie Neuchâtel.
      2012 Another Anthology of Black Humor; exhibition cat., MMK Frankfurter Zollamt, Frankfurt.
      2010 Anthologie de l’humour noir; exhibition cat., Centre Pompidou, Paris.
      2010 Ataa Oko; exhibition cat., Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne.
      2006 Six Feet Under; exhibition cat., Art Museum Bern.

      Photo publications in Newspapers, Magazines and Journals (selection)

      Der Standard: Rondo, AUT; De Morge, BEL; FAZ Quarterly, BRD; Soul-of-Street, BRD; Apartamento magazine, SP;  Internazionale, IT; Royal Society Photographic Journal, GB; Eyeshot Magazine, IT; Eine Welt, BRD; GEO, BRD; Welt am Sonntag, BRD; Science & Vie, FR; Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, BRD; ARTMAPP, BRD; Drunter & Drüber, BRD; Selvedge Magazine, GB; Art Africa, SA; African Arts, USA; Art Forum, USA; Courrier Japon, J; Panorama, IT; Das Magazin, CH; Africa e Mediterraneo, IT; L’Illustré, CH; Zeitpunkt, CH;

      Video- and Multimedia Productions; website contributions

      5 short films edited from Regula Tschumi’s archives (2002-2019) dealing with her collaboration with the Ghanaian artist Ataa Oko Addo for the exhibition The Spirits play Football in the Museum der Völker in Schwaz, Austria. All films were produced by Jonathan Howald & Paul Musset, Jopo Production in Paris, 2022, titled:
      Awesome everyday inspiration
      In palanquins and coffins
      Of divine transformations
      Illustrated documentations
      Drawing against forgetting

      Buried Treasures: Coffin Art in Ghana
      An interview with Regula Tschumi about her work in Ghana — Apartamento magazine 

      In the head of Pulp — A film by Grégoire Mayor with photographs and videos from Ghana by Regula Tschumi for the permanent exhibition »L’impermanence des choses» in the ethnographic museum Neuchâtel French —  MEN

      Im Huhn begraben (Buried in a rooster) — Multimedia production by Regula Tschumi (photographs) and Fabian Biasio (videos and editing), German Letzte Reise

      Dia de Muertos — Invitation for the Dead  
      Multimedia production by Regula Tschumi (photographs) and Fabian Biasio (videos and editing), German — Letzte Reise

      Ataa Oko and the Spirits: A film by Philippe Lespinasse, Regula Tschumi and Andress Alvarez — Lausanne/Le Tourne, Parti de l’Art Brut/LoKomotive Films, 20 minutes, French and English.  

      Ghana. Sépulture sur mesure Film by Philippe Lespinasse, Grand Angle Production.

      Die vergrabenen Schätze der Ga  Filmische Impressionen – by R. Tschumi. 35 minutes, video for the exhibition »Six Feet Under».

      Der Altmeister Ataa Oko Addo Filmische Impressionen  by R. Tschumi about the making of  Ataa Oko’s coffin in the shape of a white hen. Video, 14 minutes. 




      New release: ATAA OKO ADDO (English)

      Regula Tschumi (ed.): Ataa Oko Addo 

      With texts by Sarah Lombardi, Regula Tschumi, Lucienne Peiry and Atta Kwami.

      ISBN 978-3-907262-05-4

      Edition Clandestin

      The artist Ataa Oko Addo (1919 – 2012) of La in Ghana is seen as a pioneer of the world-famous Ghanaian coffin art. In 2002, after he first met the Swiss ethnologist and photographer Regula Tschumi, the former coffin artist, now aged over 80, began to draw. Until his death, Ataa Oko produced a unique body of graphic work, that provides insight into Ghanaian culture and the spiritual world of the artist.


      New release: ATAA OKO ADDO (French)

      Regula Tschumi (ed.): Ataa Oko Addo 

      With texts by Sarah Lombardi, Regula Tschumi, Lucienne Peiry and Atta Kwami.

      ISBN 978-3-907262-06-1

      Edition Clandestin

      L’artiste Ataa Oko Addo (1919 – 2012), originaire de La au Ghana, a été un pionnier de l’art du cercueil ghanéen, aujourd’hui mondialement connu. En 2002, aprèssa rencontre avec l’ethnologue suisse Regula Tschumi, l’ancien artiste du cercueil a commencé à dessiner à l’âge de plus de 80 ans. Jusqu’à sa mort, une œuvre graphique unique a été crée, donnant au spectateur occidental un aperçu de la culture ghanéenne et du monde spirituel de l’artiste.



      ATAA OKO ADDO (German)

      Regula Tschumi (Ed.): Ataa Oko Addo
      With texts by Sarah Lombardi, Regula Tschumi, Lucienne Peiry and Atta Kwami.
      ISBN 978-3-907262-04-7
      Edition Clandestin

      Der Künstler Ataa Oko Addo aus La in Ghana war ein Pionier der heute weltberühmten ghanaischen Sargkunst. 2002, nach seiner Begegnung mit der Schweizer Ethnologin Regula Tschumi, begann der ehemalige Sargkünstler im Alter von über 80 Jahren zu zeichnen. So entstand bis zu seinem Tod ein einzigartiges grafisches Werk, das dem westlichen Betrachter einen Einblick in die Kultur Ghanas und in die spirituelle Welt des Künstlers vermittelt.



      Ataa Oko: A glimpse inside the amazing world of Ghanaian funerals and how the carpenter Ataa Oko became an artist 

      Text & images R. Tschumi in the online Magazin Interwoven: the fabric of things —


      Die Pracht des Abschiednehmens. Einsichten in die Bestattungsriten der Ga

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi in: «Drunter & Drüber. Das Magazin für Endlichkeitskultur», Part III, p. 8-11.


      Verborgene Kunst. 
Geschichte, Transformation und Sinn der figürlichen Sänften und Särge in Ghana

      Text & images R. Tschumi

      ISBN 978-3-03828-098-9

      Edition Till Schaap, Berne


      Concealed Art. The figurative palanquins and coffins of Ghana

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi
      English translation M. Hartley and C. Kelly
      ISBN: 978-3-03828-017-0
      Till Schaap Edition, Berne

      Regula Tschumi’s book is based on her PhD and on several years of field research in southern Ghana. For the first time in this publication the figural palanquins of the Ga are in focus. They are examined in the context of the sociey from which they have developed and in which they are still being used. This book includes some previously unpublished very surprising photographs of figurative palanquins.


      Die figürlichen Sänften und Särge im Süden Ghanas. Geschichte, Transformation und Sinn einer künstlerischen Ausdrucksform von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart

      PhD Dissertation 2013
      University Basle
      219 p. & pictures notes





      The buried treasures of the Ga. Coffin art in Ghana

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi
      English translation M. Hartley
      ISBN 978-3-03828-016-3
      Edition Till Schaap, Berne

      For about fifty years the Ga coffins have been produced in the form of fruits, animals and status symbols and have thus established a tradition, which is presented here for the first time in a well-founded text and in numerous expressive illustrations. R. Tschumi traces the history of these figurative coffins in the art and religion of the Ga in Ghana.

      This is a completely revised and updated edition of the Benteli book 2008.


      The Figurative Palanquins of the Ga. History and Significance

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi in
      «African Arts», 46, no. 4, November 2013, p. 60-73.


      The figurative coffins of the Ga were for a long time celebrated as a revolutionary invention of an autonomous artist – the coffin-maker Kane Kwei from Teshi. However, R. Tschumi’s recent research results show that both science and the art world have been exposed to a great error due to lack of information. This text illuminates the origins of the figurative coffins from the figurative palanquins and summarizes the most important research results of the author.


      Hors-champs. Genèse de l’affiche de l’exposition_en

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalgue  of the MEN: «Hors-champs. Eclats du patrimoine culturel immatériel», p. 216-227.


      This text reflects the background, which led the curators of the Musée d’ethnographie Neuchâtel MEN to commission Regula Tschumi to develop the poster for the exhibition “Hors-champs” in collaboration with Ghanaian sign painters.

      This catalogue is out of print.



      Les trésors enterrés des Ga. L’art des cercueils au Ghana

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi
      French translation O. Demange & S. Zoubir-Shaw
      ISBN 978-3-03828-017-0
      Till Schaap Edition, Berne

      The German text was again thoroughly reworked for this French translation and updated with new photographs.




      The Deathbed of a Living Man. A coffin for the Centre Pompidou

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Museum for Modern Art, Zollamt Frankfurt: «Saâdane Afif: Another Anthology of Black Humor», p. 57-72; p. 88-93.

      german & english


      Lit de mort pour un vivant. Un cercueil pour le Centre Pompidou

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Centre Pompidou, Paris:  «Saâdane Afif: Anthologie de l’humour noir», p. 37-51; p. 56-61.

      french & english


      Ataa Oko et le langage formel des Ga

      Text & images R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne: «Ataa Oko», p. 15-32.



      Ataa Oko et les Esprits

      Video by Philippe Lespinasse, Regula Tschumi & Andress Alvarez
      16 min., french & english
      Lausanne/Le Tourne, Collection de l’Art Brut/Lokomotiv Films, 2010


      Last respect, first honoured. Ghanaian burial rituals and figural coffins

      Text & and images R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Art Museum Berne: «Six Feet Under. Autopsie unseres Umgangs mit Toten / Autopsy of Our Relation to the Dead», p.114-125.

      german & english




      The buried treasures of the Ga. Coffin art in Ghana

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi
      English translation M. Hartley
      ISBN 978-3-7165-1520-4
      Benteli, Berne

      The German text of «The buried treasures of the Ga» (2006) was revised for this English translation and updated with new photos.

      The edition 2008 is out of print.


      Die vergrabenen Schätze der Ga. Sarg-Kunst aus Ghana

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi
      ISBN: 978-3-7165-1413-9
      Benteli, Berne



      This book is out of print.


      A Report on Paa Joe and the Proverbial Coffins of Teshie and Nungua, Ghana

      Text & photographs R. Tschumi in:
      «Africa e Mediterraneo», no. 47-48, p. 44-47.

      english & italian


      With a keener eye. Kay Hassan in Johannesburg

      Text R. Tschumi in the exhibition catalogue of the Kunsthalle Berne: «Kay Hassan», p. 40-43.
      english & german